Focusing on the manga genre "Isekai," we were asked to read That Time I Got Reincarnated As Slime by Fuse. The slime follows a middle-aged man who leads a mundane life and seems okay with it. Then he's stabbed and killed. He wakes up in a world where monsters and dragons roam, and he too is a monster. But... he's a "slime." Which is a low ranking type, or breed, of monster that isn't particularly powerful in the slightest. In fact, it's a pretty mundane kind of monster. Which is interesting how it parallels his human life. Poor guy. But ultimately he uses his powers to his advantage and becomes the best Slime ever! Kind of like one of those believe-in-yourself-underdog stories we love so much.
The narration of the manga is so comically and silly. The narrator was very relatable and funny, which made reading it much more enjoyable. I really enjoyed reading this manga, it was easy to read and I ate it up quickly!
The narration of the manga is so comically and silly. The narrator was very relatable and funny, which made reading it much more enjoyable. I really enjoyed reading this manga, it was easy to read and I ate it up quickly!
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